A lot of people think that the Out Field is the most boring position in baseball just because it’s too far away from the home plate, or whatever other reason they give, I strongly disagree!
It requires the highest level of athleticism, concentration and determination, for the area to cover is very wide over there.
And there is where the fun lies my friend; Some people don’t know how exciting can be to run diagonaly after a line driven to the gap between two outfielders and catching it almost at the wall. Or how thrilling it can be to run forward towards a shallow flyball to catch it one second before it touches the ground; Or those flyballs that stay for ages in the air but still challenge your range and speed… Yeah challenge seems to be the keyword, it’s what defines the work of an outfielder. Just like those times when you have to run forward to get a grounder because there’s a runner on second who will test your arm strength, you accept the challenge, and throw your arm off to the plate…
Instinct, is another important feature…
A good Outfielder can tell the distance and direction the ball will go just by the crack of the bat… not only because of the sound, but because of the way it jumps from the lumber. That instict is extremely important, because with it, even players that aren’t that fast can reach some flyballs with relative ease…
Left Fielder:
Lines or flyballs hit in his direction are spinning to his right hand most of the times, so usually when he has to run backwards to field a ball over his head, he points his left shoulder to the home plate and and goes back for the ball.
Center FIelder:
This guy is the chief of the OF, whatever he says the other two obey, he is the fastest, and the one with best range, that’s the most enjoyable position in baseball if you ask me.
Right Fielder:
Lines or flyballs hit in his direction are most of the times spinning to his left hand, so when he has to run backwards to field a ball over his head, he points his right shoulder to the home plate, and goes back for the ball.
The RF is known for having most powerful arm of the OF, for the throws to 3rd are very long, not to mention the throws to the plate.

And That’s it
Talk to you later people…
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